Cressex Embroidery Breeze and DDC

Cressex Embroidery install a Breeze and a DDC

Cressex Embroidery Breeze and DDC

Cressex Embroidery install a Breeze and a DDC

Cressex Embroidery become the latest company to benefit from a Kornit Breeze and an Adelco DDC install.

Cressex Embroidery installs the Kornit Breeze & Adelco Drawer Dryer.

The latest Kornit-Digital Breeze, direct to garment printer install. Complete with an Adelco drawer dryer. With low print costs and built in pre-treater this is the logical next step for this Buckinghamshire based, branded clothing company.

Debbie Terry - Sales and Marketing Administrator

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Debbie Terry

Sales and Marketing

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